Q.Why is my houseplant is dying?
I just bought this plant, and it was root bound. So I potted it in a much bigger pot with potting soil. It called for high sunlight, so I put it in front of a window. Now it’s turning yellow and brown. How can I fix this?

Aera Palms do prefer to be more root bound. They should only need to be repotted every 3 years or so.
When you do repot, make sure you only choose a pot 1 or 2" inches larger then the previous pot.
To large of a pot can lead to overwatering and root rot.
The yellowing leaves most likely are indicating a watering issue. Too much or too little.
It's not to late to make adjustments to the pot. If the plant was in an 8" pot, choose a 10" pot and use a good quality, well draining soil.
Make sure your placing the plant in a bright but indirect light location.
Direct sunlight can burn the plant.
Here is a link to refresh you on the care requirements.