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Blood Orange Trees

Q.blood orange producing only on bottom third

Zone Northbay area of Callifornia (Fairfield) | kweatherholt added on March 17, 2015 | Answered

Why is my blood orange producing only on the bottom third of tree? I have a blood orange tree, going into its 4th yr. It appears to be growing very nicely, approx. 8 ft tall now, and has nice lush dark green foliage. In second year it gave about 6-7 nice oranges. Last year (3rd) it produced approx. 2 dozen nice oranges but they mostly were in the bottom third of the tree. This year, the blossoms are again in the same location. They are evenly dispersed throughout the tree. Am I expecting too much too soon or is there a reason why this is occurring? I water it pretty well about twice a week and fertilize it every 3-4 months with a commercial citrus/avocado fertilizer.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 17, 2015

I think you need to up your fertilizing schedule. I believe that's why the lower half of your tree may be doing better then the top half.
Your tree is young though so fruit production seems good for your trees age. Sunlight, water, temperatures all effect your citrus trees. Much of what we can't control!

Read this link, particularly the paragraph on fertilizing.


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