Q.Why is it not stated that Podocarpus trees drop their tiny leaves year round, making a constant mess?
I don’t know what kind of Podocarpus tree I had, but I had it cut down because I couldn’t stand the daily mess it made anymore. They are supposed to be evergreen, which it was, but daily it shed those tiny little leaves that got on everything everywhere. I don’t have any pictures because the tree is now gone and everything cleaned up.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
That is odd. Evergreens shouldn't lose their leaves. At least not constantly. I did some research and didn't find anything in the extension publications about leaf litter but one did say dried fruit could cause a litter probem. But I did find a post on a community forum page where the owner had issues with leaf litter getting in her pool filter. Since leaf drop is abnormal, your tree may have experienced some environmental stress that caused the leaves to drop. In any case, I will forward your concern to the editor for more research. Thank you for letting us know about your experience with podocarpus.