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Wisteria Vines

Q.Why Is A Climber I Pruned In March Sprouting Shoots Which Then Die?

Zone L8 0RZ | Anonymous added on July 18, 2021 | Answered

I moved to a new house which had a beautiful climber in the back garden which unfortunately had never been pruned so took over half the garden. I gave it a severe pruning so I could really-see the lawn underneath it and it started to grown new shoots at the tips. I’m now worried that I have killed it though as all the shoots it grows go brown and die. My neighbour says it had beautiful blue flowers in spring but I have no idea what it is. Please can you help, I’m not an expert gardener and I’m really worried I’ve been over-zealous in my pruning and killed it. I’ve included a photo I took when we viewed the house (before I pruned it) in case you can identify what it is.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 5, 2021

It is hard to say, but it sounds like, by the description, it could be a Wisteria. It is very likely that there was a pathogen introduced with such a heavy pruning. This is even more likely if the pruners were not sterilized beforehand.

You can try fungicides, but it may recover on its own over time. This article will help you to care for it:


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