Q.why has my orange tree blossomed again now and dropped all 20 fruits
My new potted orange-tree blossomed and had 20 oranges growing happily then it blossomed again about a month ago and since then one by one all the little oranges have fallen off. Why?
I am feeding it with the food we bought with the plant when the instructions said. I cannot think what we are doing wrong.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This will depend on if the tree is an indoor specimen in a container or outdoors and inground.
If this is indoors, then the flowers may not have been pollinated, but it could also be due to too much nitrogen in the soil or the soil being too wet for too long.
Outdoors will be a slightly different story. Outdoors will almost always be environmental. Temperature fluctuations, chilly air, too much rain, and disease can be problems outdoors.