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Q.Why Don’t My Seeds Grow

Zone Townsville Australia | Fishandveg added on May 2, 2022 | Answered

On the same day I planted a row of radishes, beetroot, and carrot seeds. The radishes grew a good crop but the carrots and beets germinated only one or two. The seeds all came from the same supplier and were in date. Can you suggest what went wrong?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 3, 2022

Unfortunately, it would be hard to say without knowing the conditions of the soil, and knowing the watering habits, as well as temperatures at the time of germination. Carrots prefer the cool, and may have trouble germinating if the temperatures are too warm. Beets prefer the cool, but should still germinate in warm soil as long as it is not hot. Radishes should have no issues with that, though.

Sometimes, conditions that are too wet, or too dry will prevent germination. Too wet is usually more of an issue than too dry, though, compact soils will cause either to be a very big problem.

Here are some articles that will help you with growing Beets and Carrots:



This article will help you to brush up on Radish care:


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