Q.Why Doesn’t My Cedar Tree Have Bluegreen Berries On It This Year For The First Time?
I have a cedar tree next to my driveway. For the first time in 15 years there are hardly any of the bluegreen berries on it. Why is that? One year it had some gelatinous masses on it. That was only for one year/ I love this tree as it brings the cedar waxwings to my area. Is there anything I can do to help this tree?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The gelatinous masses are from cedar-apple rust when there are susceptible varieties of apple trees nearby (including crabapples). Here is more:
That could be what is affecting the cedar berries.
Also, red cedars need a male pollinator tree, could your male have been lost?
Here are some cultural aspects of cedar trees: