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Hyacinth Plant

Q.why does my ponytail plant have a cavity?

lguidry added on July 19, 2014 | Answered

It looks like a hole on side of the trunk. But it’s hard in the hole.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 1, 2014

Wow, that is a big one. I'll bet it's beautiful. If you treat it like a bonsai, using a yearly root pruning, you'll be able to keep it in the same size pot. It may be scary at first to cut roots, but bonsai growers have done it for hundreds of years. You might be interested in doing some research on bonsai; here are some articles to get you started: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/bonsai/first-bonsai.htm

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Answered on July 31, 2014

Thank you. Your answer helps me and gives good advise to watch for also. I just pray it's not a disease. Yes it is hard inside . But on one spot it almost looks kinda like moss or tiny roots . Very small amount about size of a nickel. But still hard behind it . Could this hole looking thing be caused by someone trying to remove a pup aggressively? I have several growing . I've removed before and know to use very sharp object CAREFULLY. I hope your right this plant stands about 7 feet the bulb is probably little bigger then a beach ball with 4 fat stems . And thats planted in a huge pot . I can imagine how big it would get if planted in the ground? 3rd time changing pots , but last time was over a yr ago. I would love to plant it in my yard, but scared . It's been doing so good don't want to take that chance. Atleast untill i cant afford to keep buying the next size up and up and up.......lol... again thanks for the advise. Looking forward to your take on someone removing a pup.

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Answered on July 20, 2014

If it's all hard inside the hole, it's probably some kind of injury -- could be from an accident, a bug, even some kind of disease -- that as healed. If it's not weeping any kind of liquid, and if the leaves look all right, nothing to worry about.

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