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Q.Why Does My Gardenia Flower’s Leaves Turn Yellow And Dry Out In Winter?

Zone 60532 | Anonymous added on January 31, 2023 | Answered

The plant has been fine for months until Dec when we moved it indoors due to the cold temperature. Many leaves turned yellow and dried out, especially those lower ones. We water it once a week. The room temperature is 72 F. It has little direct exposure to sunlight.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 31, 2023

It needs direct exposure to sunlight, a cool environment, and humidity. They are finicky indoors. This article explains how to care for them.


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Answered on January 31, 2023

Gardenia leaves are very persnickety when you move them to a new location and respond by yellowing leaves. Reduced direct sunlight, dry ambient humidity in the home and-or inconsistent watering can promote this. Do not water based on a schedule; instead, insert a finger and water as soon as the top soil feels dry. Increase the ambient humidity in the room and-or use grow lights if the plant gets little direct sunlight. Place the container by a south facing window, about a foot/0.3-0.5 meter away or so.

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