Q.Why Do Snowdrops Grow In My Region On My Property?
I live in central CA where it is very hot and dry. A few clumps of snowdrops in two locations have been coming back every year since I have been living here 13 years. Both are in part shade. The backyard location gets water from the hose, the front yard has no water except negligible rainfall and leaves from the tree, The soil is very good there. I have only two deciduous trees there and I would love to grow lots of different kinds of bulbs there. What do you think?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It could very well be that the shade protects it just enough to allow it to survive. It may have adapted to its area over time. It could be a hardy relative, as well. I cannot confirm without photos.
I would be happy to send photos early next year when they pop up. Thank you.