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Container Tomato Plants

Q.why do my tomato plants look like they are dying?

bj50 added on July 10, 2012 | Answered

I have four tomato plants in pots. I live in Greece, so they get lots of sun. I water them every evening and have had some fruit from all four plants. The last 3 or 4 days they have all begun to look really unhealthy, leaves look dry and are curling inwards. The plants are in direct sunlight for about 5 hours a day. Is this too much sun or too much watering?? This is my first attempt at growing my own vegetables.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 10, 2012

There are several reasons this could be happening. The most likely and harmless is temperature fluctuations or a watering issue. If the leaves are curling and there is little yellowing on the plant, the curling is likely environmental and not an issue. If the plant is yellowing as well, especially accompanied by spotting or wilting, it is likely disease. This article can give you some other possibilities: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/tomato/tomato-leaves-curling.htm

Most likely they need more water. In a container, plants need to be watered everyday in hot weather. Leave the hose on the tomato plants for 15 minutes or so, allowing the water to run through the container to reyhdrate the plants. This article will help as well: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/tomato/watering-tomato-plants.htm

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Answered on July 10, 2012

Just a thought. How big are these "pots" that they are growing in?? The plants may have become root bound and need a bigger pot.

From what you are saying in your question though is that you are already getting tomatoes from the plants. It might be too late to re-pot them.

Are the plants themselves yellowing? Too much water. How long have you had the plants growing? They could be at the end of their life cycle.

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