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Tomatillo Plants

Q.Why Do My Tomatillo Plants Flower, but Not Produce?

anlongoria added on July 6, 2011 | Answered

A tomatillo plant of mine was recently transplanted from a container to the ground and now sits in direct sunlight. It has many flowers and is spreading out and growing nicely, but I have yet to see an actual tomatillo on it. I saved it from a farm down the road (it sat in a potato patch and got yanked out), and when it was pulled, it had at least 8 good sized tomatillos with many other flowers. It looks happy but it just hasn’t produced and it’s been about two months. I don’t think it’s a pollination issue because this plant is standing beside two other tomato plants that are producing just fine. Thanks!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 11, 2011

Most varieties of tomatillo are not self pollinating. They need another tomatillo plant to pollinate them. You may have a variety that is like this. Here is more information:

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