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Container Gardening

Q.why do leaves turn brown even after providing water and other nutrients properly

Zone 500044 | jyothi prakash added on January 25, 2019 | Answered

its a potted plant. watered properly. gave nutrients also. what to be done to reduce leaves turning brown and drying up. please help,

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 25, 2019

Two things come to mind. One is that it is sitting where the plant gets hit by the suns rays that have been amplified by the window glazing and thus the suns rays act like a magnifying glass and burn the foliage. The other is that the plant needs to be transplanted either into another and larger pot if an indoor plant or outside as soon as weather permits. The root system can become what is called Root Bound and thus does not take up the moisture or nutrients properly. When transplanted make sure the new pot has a drainage hole or holes in the bottom so that the excess water can escape. A pot without drainage holes in the bottom allows the water and nutrients to pond in the bottom of the pot and turn toxic. Has somewhat the same effects as over watering. Hope this helps you.

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