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Cherry Trees

Q.Why Do All Cherry Trees Die That We Plant?

Zone 48827 | rbriggs5145 added on June 16, 2022 | Answered

We have an area with Fruit Trees including several apple, nectarines, plums, pears and peaches. All are doing very well. We have tried to plant several different cherry trees and they all die within 2 years. We fertilize, have irrigation and do pruning when needed. I’m thinking it must be in the soil but am not sure what to look for. Thanks!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 20, 2022

Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any cherries that can grow in zone 10 without a proper dormancy. There are not enough chill hours in your area each Winter to satisfy the requirements of the trees.

This collection of articles will help you with gardening in a warm weather climate:


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