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Q.Why did my rose bush, full of buds, wilt over?

Zone 8 | AngieR. added on March 14, 2012 | Answered

I just planted 3 roses, side by side, with the smelliest one in the middle. The two beside it are fine, but the one which has wilted has dried stems. I watered real well when I put it in the ground and water my flowers weekly on Mondays. Did the cold night get to the one with the opening flowers, or just putting it in the ground on a cold night? It did nothing to the others.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 18, 2012

Some rosebushes are more sensitive than others to change. It sounds like a case of transplant shock or perhaps something happened to damage the roots. It is also possible to water some roses too heavily after having just planted them. This tends to limit the oxygen that can get to the root system thus causing problems with the growth above ground. Some roses are also more sensitive to cold than other which could cause such a signigicant reaction. It could also be a combination of all the above, cold, too much water an oxygen deprevation. I have seen cases where such plantings were done and one of them reacted this way while the others were just fine. It turned out a neighborhood dog was using that rosebush as a place to pee. The urine burned the foliage and canes along with burning the feeder roots in the soil!! As you can see there could be alot of causes so try to narrow them down by changing up what you do to care for the roses and keep any eye on things. You may just spot that certain doggie doing its deed. I use a moisture meter to check the soils moisture in three locations around the rosebushes to get a good reading of the soils moisture. Then water only if I need to. That way I keep from overwatering or watering when there really is not big need to. I also doubt it has anything to do with the planting soils since the others are fine. It really sounds like something got onto the foliage and canes and then into the soil just at that bush. Time to do some investigating on your part. Let me know how things turn out after checking the things mentioned here.

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