Q.Why did my strawberry guava tree fruit twice this year
Hi, As you can tell from the question above, I am not disappointed but curious as to why my strawberry guava tree got two full crops this spring/summer. The fruit (thousands) ripened as usual in May/June but then almost immediately flowered and fruited again (again thousands), starting to ripen now. I have had the tree about 20 years and it has never done that. Any ideas? Hopefully the double year this year won’t affect future years. I guess all gardeners would love problems like this but I just wondered if you had any explanation. We live in West Los Angeles – 90064 not too near or too far away from the coast. Thanks, Ken Sackman

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Did you prune differently this year? Apparently you can induce more fruiting just by simple pruning techniques.