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Q.Why did my pineapple fall?

Zone Guadalajara, Mexico | Anonymous added on May 31, 2018 | Answered

Recently I bought a pineapple plant. The fruit was small and purple. As soon as I planted it in my garden the pineapple fell. The part of the stem where it broke was black. Can another pineapple grow from that same plant?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 1, 2018

It is difficult to say what the cause was of the fruit drop.
Make sure the soil is well draining.

Pineapple plants can fruit a total of three times during their lifetime before you must replace the plant, although not all plants are capable of producing multiple fruit and some plants may fruit more. Indoor potted plants are more likely to produce only one or two fruits in their lifetime because they do not always receive the optimum conditions necessary for thorough fruiting. Each flower stalk produced by a plant has the capability of setting fruit. The first fruit typically grows largest, with subsequent smaller fruits produced later.

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