Q.Why Did My Healthy Hibiscus Lose Most Of Its Leaves In Late August In Phoenix AZ?
Did I kill it by clipping a few branches? I think I trimmed back a few branches & I’m not sure if that put it into shock or not. It was a beautiful plant & procided both large red & yellow flowers. I am sooooo disappointed. The weather is hot, mostly over 100 from late May thru end of Sept & it was getting water. It has not been fertilized since Spring.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They need regular fertilizing and lots of water in well-draining soil. It may have dropped leaves due to the heat if it increased during the summer, and likewise, didn't receive enough water. You can scrape off some of the stem to see if it is still alive. If it is green below, it may leaf out again.
This article should help decide why it dropped leaves: