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Q.Why are there white spots and holes on my rose leaves?

Zone 17517 | Anonymous added on August 29, 2019 | Answered

Basically, my workplace decided to put me (the receptionist) in charge of watering and taking care of the roses and other plants out front. While I enjoy this, it’s a totally new experience for me. We just moved into our newly built and landscaped business about three weeks ago. Unfortunately I began to see these white spots and holes develop. I know this would typically be attributed to rose slugs, but I haven’t seen any when inspecting the undersides of the leaves. Is there another explanation for this? I also noted that it is only the plants on the front of the building that are affected. These are in the shade all morning and part of the afternoon while the unaffected plants are in full sun most of the day.

Thank you for your time on this!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 31, 2019

It is most likely rose slugs or Japanese beetles according to this extension article:


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