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Q.Why are the top leave on my rose bush turning yellow?

Zone 10 | noworries added on May 17, 2012 | Answered

I received a rose bush and I noticed that some of the leaves looked like a grasshopper had chewed on them. Now on one whole side of the plant, from top to bottom, the leaves are turning yellow. I don’t know if it’s heat stress (Live in AZ) or too much water. The tag says to water daily. . Please help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 19, 2012

There are many things that can contribute to the leaves turning yellow on the rose bush. Typically you do not need to water a rosebush daily but every other day may be needed if in high heat conditions such as those in some parts of AZ. If the rosebush is in a pot/container adding more water, even with epsom salts, to it will not help. If the problem is over watering. If the rosebush is in a pot or container make sure it has a drain hole or holes in the bottom. Do not let it sit in a bottom saucer or anything that will hold the water for longer than 1/2 hour. Letting the water stand too long can make the soils soggy and lead to root rot problems. Here are a couple links to articles with some helpful information for you as well:



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Answered on May 18, 2012

try putting epsom salt waer on it.
I mix 1/4 cup epsom salt to a gallon of water.

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