Q.Why Are The Spent Blossoms Of My Zucchini Plants, In Containers, Falling Off Before Any Fruit Has Formed?
I have no photos. These plants were planted as seedlings from Bonny Plants. I have planted these in containers on my deck for several years with success. They are in full sun, but we have had MUCH rain. Plants look healthy, leaves and blossoms are large and beautiful. No obvious critters. They bloom, they close, and then they fall off.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I can think of two likely causes in this case.
There may be a lack of phosphorus and potassium, or there may be an abundance of nitrogen. This can be more common in container.
These may be male flowers, as these tend to start forming before female flowers.
There are many causes, and you seem to have had success in the past. This rules out many causes. These two would be my best guesses, unless your lighting conditions have changed, or there are fewer insects nearby this year.
Here are some articles that will help: