Q.Why Are The Leaves On This Arabian Jasmine Deformed?
This plant is a recent rescue from a local business. When I brought it home I replanted with fresh soil in a pot with good drainage. I have trimmed some withered leaves and small limbs. I water the plant maybe once a week or when the top inch of soil feels dry. It gets some sun during the day but not full sun all day. I noticed this deformity on the leaves and I am concerned for the health of the plant. Can you give me some idea what causes or caused this and is there anything I can do to recover. Thank you – Richard McFarland – ram2591@hotmail.com

Insects like spider mites, aphids and scale may have stopped by at some point before/after you rescued the plant. Keep an eye for them. Use a magnifying lens when looking for spider mites as they are as small as a period in a sentence. I would let the plant decide when it wants to replace the leaves with these lesions. When looking for pests, check during the day and night; look at the top/bottom of leaves and all branches; look at the soil and under rocks.