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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Why are the leaves on my popcorn viburnum turning brown?

Zone 5 | Debbers626 added on June 21, 2012 | Answered

I planted this popcorn viburnum bush earlier this spring. I live in zone 5. It is in a location where it receives 6-8 hours of direct sun daily. At first, it was doing quite well but lately the leaves are turning brown and crispy all along the edges as if they are burnt. I water this shrub deeply about every third day. What can I do to save this shrub?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 29, 2012

This is typically caused by too little or too much water. Water the plant and then an hour or so later dig down a little ways near the roots. If the soil is still dry, the water may not be penetrating far enough. If water is pooling in the hole or the soil is sloppy, then drainage may be an issue and you should cut back on how much water the plant gets.

If the soil seems wet, but not sloppy, try to check the roots. Something may be attacking the roots of the plant, either a root rot or a pest.

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