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Green Beans

Q.Why Are The Leaves Of My Green Bean Plant Yellowing And Shriveling Up?

Zone 94709 | Bianca added on August 4, 2020 | Answered

I just transplanted a set of young green bean plants from their original containers into my raised bed. After only a few days, some leaves have started turning yellow and the edges of some leaves have started to dry up. Ive watered it and the soil is slightly damp too the touch but not very wet. I’m thinking this might be a root infection, though they have only been in the ground for two full days. Would appreciate any thoughts on why this is happening.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 5, 2020

This looks like a bacterial infection from a little too much water.

Planting should be done in early spring to avoid summer heat. It is tempting to overwater during this time, so having a well established plant will help.

They don't transplant well, either. They will want to be started where they will stay.

Treat with a fungicide, and you will likely be able to set beans out next year.

Here is an article that will help you to grow beans:


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