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Cedar Trees

Q.Why are some of my cedar trees branches curling at different angles

Zone 29067 | Anonymous added on July 17, 2020 | Answered

They also don’t have many needles on those branches. The tips on some are grey.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 18, 2020

Thank you for sending us your gardening question. Your tree may have some sooty mold that's causing the graying of the tips. However, the curl of the branches would probably require an arborist's opinion. You may want to consult with your local extension service - here's a link for that: https://extension.wvu.edu/

They will know if there's something affecting cedar trees in your area.
Here are two articles that may help you assess your tree's growing conditions and provide a solution to the sooty mold, if that's what's happening:

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