Q.Why Are Only Two New Branches Producing Figs
Why are there figs on 3 new branches, 18 inches tall, and the rest of the same bush, 5 foot tall, has nothing on it and accounts for 80% of the bush? Seven other bushes produced very little last year, 5 figs. I watered them every other day. The soil was sent to a lab and came back productive, enriched, good growing soil. I don’t get it. I started 30 baby plants from seed. They are growing beautifully, 18 inches tall and full of healthy leaves. Please help me.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If you started them from seed, then they just may not be mature enough to produce well. Fruit trees that are grown from seed take longer to reach full fruiting maturity than those grown from cuttings. For a few years before they reach full fruiting maturity, they will produce a few figs, but not nearly as many as they will produce later on.
You may also want to make sure that you have pruned the tree correctly and that the pollination needs of your particular variety are being met. While you said the test result were good growing conditions, just double check that you have sufficiently balanced nitrogen and phosphorous. Too much of nitrogen or too little phosphorous can make for lush trees with little fruit. This can still be considered good growing soil, just not exactly what you need.