Q.Why are my speckled butter bean pods not filling out?
I planted seeds in April. They started flowering and producing pods but they are just sitting there not filling out. It’s been about 78 days and I have not picked a bean yet. I did a test on the soil and nitrogen level is very low. I did not use an inoculate when planting. I have Miracle Gro 24-8-16 on hand. Should I side dress? Any ideas?

Were in a fairly dry period so I'm trying to keep the soil moist. How much Epsom salt should I put around each plant? I have plenty on hand.

If your using a fertilizer I would use something more balanced. To much nitrogen will not necessarily produce beans.
I might recommend Epsom Salt. It's something I use on all my vegetable plants.
Check your watering, to much or to little could be a factor in your bean production.
Here are a couple of links with more information.