Q.Why Are My Lemon Tree Leaves Curling After Flowering?
Hi Master Gardeners, this picture is from my dwarf Meyer lemon tree, and it was just recently flowering. There is no indication of insects or pests under the curled leaves. I cut off some of them and check the underside. Most of the leaves which are curling are those near the ones with small lemon, but other leaves on stem which has no flowers or buds don’t curl. Is this normal? How do I fix this if this is a problem? Thanks!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Check the pH of the soil, and likely, you will want to feed with a citrus fertilizer. This appears to be a case of, either, low pH or a little too much Nitrogen in the soil.
Adding citrus fertilizer, or at least a fertilizer low in Nitrogen and high in Phosphorus and Potassium can help.
Here are some articles that will help you: