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Knockout Rose Bushes

Q.Why Are My Knockout Roses Only Blooming On Top?

Zone 83713 | Anonymous added on July 21, 2022 | Answered

Hello, I’m just wondering what might be the cause of a knockout rose bush only getting flowers on the top part of the stems. There aren’t any flowers on the middle or lower sections of the bush. I have some carpet roses that do the same thing. Any help/ideas would be appreciated!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 1, 2022

Knock Outs bloom on new wood so they need to be cut down to about 12 inches each spring. (You can cut them to the ground if the stems are black.) That will give you about a 3 foot bush by summer's end. If you want it to be larger, just cut it back to 2 feet.


It could be the same case on your carpet roses.

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