Q.white spots on leaves of my rose bush.
I have a rose bush in a pot on my porch and it is getting white spots all over the leaves. I have bought DACONIL FUNGICIDE and sprayed the leaves well, like it says but it doesn’t seem to be helping. It is a fairly new bush and was starting to but but now, no buds at all and am afraid I will lose it. Any ideas? I don’t have a phone that I can take pictures with. The leaves are just covered with white looking spots.
If you have just white spots it may be powdery mildew. Spray affected leaves with one cup of milk to a half gallon of water. If the leaves also have holes or translucent spots on them you have sawfly larval. Buy neem oil and follow directions. Add drops of dawn the the liquid for the oil to blend with the water better. Spray all the leaves top and under when there is no sun on them. Good luck