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Annabelle Hydrangeas

Q.White Fluffy Mold

Anonymous added on August 26, 2011 | Answered

I bought an ‘Annabelle’ Hydrangea and put it in a sunny location in my backyard. Soon after, I noticed that it was not growing well, and some of the leaves were crispy and browning at the edges. On the soil around the plant, but not on the leaves, I put down a product labelled ‘Bug geta’ as I thought perhaps a fungus had attacked the plant. Shortly after, I noticed this fluffy white deposit in three distinct areas on the soil. Have I damaged the plant? What should I do to rectify the situation? I should mention that it has been very humid here in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 27, 2011

The mold is the result of high humidity. All you can really do is keep the area as dry and well ventiliated as possible. Water plants only when the soil around them is dry.

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