Q.white cedar {blue} 7 years old
It is a blue but may be called white cedar. It’s 7 years old, planted during summer time. Is this the cypress tree family? Do you have any pictures? It looks as if there are many spaces. The tree is thin and tall.
You e-mailed me the following information: "Yes it is blue cedar, tall and thin. It has brown needles on different sections. Please help. Will I lose this tree. It is 7 years old, but was planted on my property in the summer."
In a previous thread, you were directed to a link on winter burn, which I will repost below. This is a likely scenario. Once the warm weather comes and water infiltrates the cells of the tree, it should recover from winter burn. However, you can help it along by getting water to the roots, mulching the base and giving it a fertilizer boost.
Could it possibly be a Sander's Blue Cedar? This tree is thin and tall.