Q.White/black Mould/fungus?? On Jade Plant
Hi, I recently repotted a large jade plant. It seemed to be doing ok except now it’s growing this mould/fungus, not really sure what it is. Wondering if anyone has seen this and how I can treat it. Thanks!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Under most circumstances, I would have been inclined to say that it was Powdery Mildew. The black spore mass suggest something much worse. Without a microscope it will be very hard to pin down the species, but it appears to be in the genus, Aspergillus. Some of the species within this genus will only cause mild respiratory issues, but many are known to contain very potent mycotoxins. It is imperative that you have a mold specialist come out and take a look around.
Since you are outside of the US I cannot recommend any particular resources, but it would be in your best interest (and the risk of your health) to get this resolved by a professional.
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