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Mock Orange Bushes

Q.Which Type Of Philadelphus Do I Have Please?

Zone west midlands, uk | Danielle Corby added on April 9, 2020 | Answered

Hello. We inherited this philadelphus when we moved in, and it is just beautiful in June when it flowers. I would like to plant another, but am not sure which type it is, I ‘think’ it is just the normal virginal variety, but the stems are very straight and erect so I wanted to be sure, as we want one exactly the same. I trim it to look more like a tree than a bush, taking off the lower stems. It stands about 3-3.5m high with pure white flowers when they bloom. Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you 🙂

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 10, 2020

Unfortunately, pinning down exact cultivars of a plant is near impossible without knowing it beforehand.

This is a Genus of about 60 species, most of which resemble each other very closely.

The best that I could suggest is to measure the height of your existing shrub, and find a cultivar that matches that mature height on the upper end. This will ensure that they have a similar look and that one does not grow far taller than the other.

Here is an article to help you with their care:


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