Q.Where Do I Find The Seeds On Orthosiphon (cat’s Whiskers, Java Tea)?
I have a couple of these plants and grow them indoors (I’m in Ontario, Canada.) A friend of mine would like to grow them and I said I’d save her seeds (I’ve had 2 flower spikes) but I’m not sure where to look for them. Since it’s mint-like, I’m looking in the sepal where the flower’s fallen off, but so far no sign. I only bought the plant this spring, so it’s not very old (though its stems are anywhere from a few inches to almost 2″ long. It sits on a light stand designed for seed-starting. Any further info would be appreciated, I can’t find much on this interesting creature.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You were looking in the correct spot, but it would not have had enough time to form seeds yet. The area will swell and turn brown when the seeds are ready.
The better option will be to grow the plant from cuttings. They propagate, asexually, very easily- Much like mint. You can take a piece of the tip of a plant (when it isn't flowering) or dig up a section with roots already on it. (This is what I'd do).