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Hyacinth Plant

Q.where can i find a pineapple vine

Zone Devon England | miggins1 added on June 22, 2014 | Answered

Where I used to live, my neighbour had one. It’s evergreen and has small red flowers. I just cant find it, so I hope you can help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 23, 2014

I've searched for anything by the name of pineapple vine, but there doesn't seem to be anything. One person referred to a pineapple vine, but it was really a Hawaiian sunset vine, which you can look up to see if that's what you're looking for. That's the problem with common names -- if your neighbor knew it as pineapple vine, apparently no one else does. I can only suggest that you contact the Master Gardener organization -- they might be able to help you. http://mastergardeners.org.uk/get-involved/find-your-nearest-master-gardener/

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