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Jacaranda Trees

Q.when will my jacaranda tree begin branching out?

Zone 32909 Central Florida | Anonymous added on September 26, 2020 | Answered

We planted a jacaranda sapling in May 2019. 1 trunk with leaves.
It has been growing straight up the trunk since we planted it, with just two leaves off the each side, and now it has begun having 4 leaves off the sides, but they are still all just leaves. When will it begin branching out? Someone said that I may have to top off the tree to get it to branch out. Will I need to do that, and if so, when?
I am 5 fee tall. When we planted it, the sapling was much shorter than me. It is now so tall I can’t reach the top any more. That’s 4 months of growth.
Please help?
Mrs. BJ Miranda
thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 27, 2020

Prune tree sapling about waist high to induce branching. Cut at a 45 degree angle above a bud. Once you get branches, you can follow these pruning tips:


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