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Hyacinth Plant

Q.When to Prune Mulberry Tree

vickisusan added on September 16, 2011 | Answered

I’m in the midwest country (west Australian area) and have a large established mulberry tree in need of a good pruning. When is it best to do this? It’s almost lost all its leaves, but I have noticed what looks like fruit developing on it.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 17, 2011

Mulberries should be pruned when they are dormant. They really do not need to be pruned except to shape the tree and clean out any weak or dead growth.

If it has massive leaf loss, it is likely due to either a fungus, pests or root damage. I am leaning towards a fungus as it is still producing fruit. Pests and root rot would wipe out the fruit but fungus can leave it intact. Treat the tree with a fungicide to treat any fungus on the tree.

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