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Crepe Myrtle Trees

Q.When to Prune Back Crape Myrtles

Anonymous added on November 7, 2010 | Answered

I have over 30 crape myrtles on my property. I like to keep them cut back to about 5 feet so I can enjoy the blooms without having to look up. I’ve heard fall and early spring. I like my landscape to look fresh during the winter, so is it OK to prune them back now?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 7, 2010

If you prune right now, you will diminish next year's blooms. The tree has not entered a solid state of dormancy yet and pruning now could bring it back out of dormancy and make it susceptible to cold damage. If you wait until mid-winter to early spring (between Jan 1st to mid March) it will be better. Here is an article to help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/crepe-myrtle/best-crepe-myrtle-pruning-time-when-to-prune-crepe-myrtle.htm

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