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Q.When to Plant Gladiolus

Zone that is one of my questions | jdsham2004 added on September 30, 2012 | Answered

I have always heard that the bulbs multiply underground, is this so or should I pull them up and replant them in the spring? I am not sure what zone I live in, but it is Sacramento, Ca. They are done flowering and the leaves are dying. I have always heard that they multiply underground. Can you please help answer my question?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 1, 2012

In your zone (9b), you do not need to dig up your gladilous corms. They do reproduce and will return each year in warmer climates such as yours. Here is more info on their care: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/gladiola/care-of-gladiolas-how-to-grow-gladiolas-in-your-garden.htm

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