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Burning Bush Plants

Q.When to plant dwarf burning bush outdoors?

Zone Cleveland Ohio | Anonymous added on March 17, 2016 | Answered

I just received 5 Dwarf Burning Bush plants from Michigan Bulbs. They are about 12″ tall and the roots are wrapped in straw and plastic. Right now the average daytime temp is 35-45 and the nights can get down in the 20s. That’s too cold to plant them outside, right? What kind of temperatures should I wait for to plant them outside? What should I do with the plants in the meantime? Thanks so much; I don’t want to kill these shrubs! Right now I have them in a covered seed starter on a warming mat.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 18, 2016

Before planting outdoors, make sure the temperature is above 50-55 degrees.

Here is a link to the planting guide from Michigan bulbs that instructs how to store your plants until they are ready for planting - refer to page 2, "what to do when your plants arrive".

For more information on growing burning bush, please visit the following link:

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