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Hyacinth Plant

Q.when to plant a tree in a container

Zone Philadelphia | Anonymous added on August 6, 2018 | Answered

Hi, I am interested in planting a Japanese maple tree in a larger pot in my small patio. I was wondering if there are better times of year to plant trees in pots. I live in Philadelphia near the center of the city. I was also wondering if the tree should be protected in the winter months? Thank you for looking over my questions.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 7, 2018

Hi Beth; You have a really good idea for a beautiful type of tree.

You could plant now if you are ready, but I recommend that you consider waiting until spring to plant. That way it will have the entire growing season to get established and well rooted before winter sets in.
Philadelphia is Zone 7 in the USDA plant hardiness map. See the following articles for some tips on considerations for containers and selection of an appropriate variety that can tolerate the cold. In the ground it would be less of a concern, but container plants are more exposed.


Use a good quality potting soil like Dr Earth brand:

Water management is important. You may want to use a soil moisture meter to take the guesswork out of it.

And use a COF (complete organic fertilizer) like this one:

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