Q.When to move painted daisies (from seed) Into garden?
This is first time I have ever tried to grow anything and I started with painted daisies. The are about 2 inches tall in seedling growing little pots. The stems are thin and look fragile. When should I move them outside? Should their stem/stalk be more sturdy? I am such a novice at gardening!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You will want to thin these out to one per cell. The proper way to do this is to pinch the top, not pull the roots out. This will disturb the one that you are trying to keep. Pinching the top off will kill it without disturbing the other.
Then you will wait until the plants have two sets of true leaves. The first leaf is not a true leaf. At this time, you may transplant, but you need to harden them off so they can become accustomed to the new environment.
This article will help you with their care: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/painted-daisy/painted-daisy-plants.htm