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Q.When to fertilize new plants

Zone Southwest michigan, zone 4-5ish | seacue added on May 21, 2015 | Answered

When to fertilize new plants that I already used a root zone fertilizer on when planted? We totally overhauled the yard this year. I planted about 20 new perennials and filled 5 planters. With all the plants I amended the soil in organic compost and all mixed in a root zone fertilizer. Should I wait to top dress with an all purpose fertilizer since they already just got the root zone stuff? And, if so, how long? I just don’t want to overdo it on all my new beauties!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 26, 2015

Thanks for the link! It was very helpful!

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Answered on May 24, 2015

Sounds like an amazing project!
I like to lean on a more conservative use of fertilizer on newly planted perennials.
You have given them a great start with the use of compost and a root zone fertilizer.
No matter what fertilizing method you use, follow manufactures directions.
I personally dilute and feed lightly.

Here is a great link.

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