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Q.When should I plant a recently purchased tree rose in full bloom?

Zone Fallon Nevada 89406 | Anonymous added on October 1, 2020 | Answered

I bought a rose in late September. It is potted and has the most beautiful blooms. The stalk is at least 4′ tall before the rose bushes out. We live in a fairly mild climate compared to our neighbor Reno NV. We are in Fallon and it gets down to 10 degrees in the winter, usually without much precipitation. But it is already proving to be a wet winter in the northwestern portion of the country. We have more of an arid climate as most of the snow misses us completely. After 30 yrs here I can count the snow storms on one hand that actually left snow on the ground past noon the next day. Where I have gotten 3 roses to grow in this yard, we have seriously modified the soil over years of work in those areas. I have been reading that it is not good to plant an actively growing rose in the fall. What should I do? And if not planted now, how does it go into a dormant stage? I don’t want to lose this rose it reminded me of my recently deceased mother-in-law when I saw it and it already has sentimental value to me. Please, any help would be appreciated.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 4, 2020

Tree roses are a grafted creation by man. If the tree rose is subjected to freezing temps, which 10 degrees is, it will kill the rosebush that is grafted onto the plant. Tree roses need to be kept inside during winter and not exposed to any freezing temps. They also can be treated as an annual in cold locations.


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