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Flowering Almond

Q.cutting flowering almonds

Zone I am not sure. Can you tell me? | dblittle added on October 17, 2015 | Answered

When might one cut flowering almond to within inches of the ground? I live in North Ogden, Utah and I have three flowering almonds that have been planted for around five years in my garden. Is it time to cut them back to the ground so that they can rejuvenate?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 20, 2015

Since Flowering Almond bloom on old wood, it is best to lightly prune the plants right after they are done blooming.

This will promote good growth and abundant blossoms the next spring.

If your shrubs need more attention you can prune any dead or damaged branches.
Also remove any branches that hang on the ground.
You can trim out 1/3 of the older tallest branches by cutting them to the ground.
Sucker branches can also be removed.
Prune away about 1/3 of the top growth, make all the cuts at a 45 degree angle 1/4 above a bud and slant away from the bud.

You can wait until next years blossoming to make these pruning cuts.


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