Q.When is the best time to trim this plant back? It’s gotten so high!
Hello and help! When we had our backyard professionally landscaped a couple of years ago, they planted three what they told me were “astilbe” plants. The plants took root wonderfully but now are so tall and wide they’re just taking over. I was wondering about when and how I could trim them back. I looked online for information about astilbes but all I found were smaller flowering plants. I’m totally clueless about this so would appreciate any help you can give me! I don’t want to accidentally kill the beauties! I’ll attach pictures of the plants from now and when they first were put in.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There are different varieties of astilbe, with different heights.
The best time to prune is after the flowering cycle. Do a light to moderate height reduction by selective shaping. Don't take more than 25% of the foliage at one time.