Q.When is the best time to prune my hibiscus? Is it too late, now that it’s fall? 2) Where do I take clippings for propagation?
My cranberry hibiscus is VERY tall – over 6 feet. (It makes me wonder if it’s even a cranberry hibiscus.) It’s very healthy looking, but I was shocked at how tall it is. I live in Atlanta (7b) so I’m not sure how to take care of it so it will stick around until next year. I’d also like to propagate – where do I cut?
Thank you so much!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
While you can do some light pruning in late summer or early fall, the best time to prune a hibiscus is in the spring. Here's an article with more information on when and how to prune:
Hibiscus cuttings used for propagation should be taken from new growth or soft wood. This is also best done in the spring. Here's an article with more details on how to successfully propagate a hibiscus: