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Hyacinth Plant

Q.When Is It a Good Time to Move a Hydrangea Plant

Zone pacific northwest | Billie added on November 13, 2012 | Answered

I want to move this plant from the back yard to the front yard. .the locations have the same light and soil conditions. .

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 14, 2012

While fall is a great time for transplanting most plants, in cooler climates that experience harsher winters, it is normally better to do this in spring.

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Answered on November 14, 2012

Since this plant is in the ground, and not a potted plant, I would wait until dormancy starts, then transplant. The plant will have all winter to make new roots and be on the way to becoming established without the trauma of having to make new roots, leaves and blooms at the same time. This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/hydrangea/growing-hydrangeas-hydrangea-care-guide.htm

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Answered on November 14, 2012

if you can wait spring

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