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Hyacinth Plant

Q.When do passion fruit ripen

shudzema added on January 13, 2012 | Answered

I live in Pittsburgh, PA. I have a passion flower planted in the ground. It has wintered over for 4 years and is doing well, I think. It flowers in late July and bears fruit. . . oblong, about 3″ long, 2″ in dia. and green. I’ve waited until mid Oct. and it doesn’t seem to ripen. When I open it, there is very little white pulp and seeds, mostly air.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 14, 2012

Regarding hollow fruits...this is oftentimes a result of the species (of which there are many). Some species only produce hollow fruits while others produce fruit with edible seeds and some pulp inside. Apparently, you have one of the hollow-producing fruit varieties.

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